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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Getting more runs in

Got a double update here.  Here are the breakdowns:

Week 1
Sunday: Workout A
Monday: None
Tuesday: Workout B
Wednesday: None
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: Run (outdoors)

Week 2
Sunday: Workout A
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Run (outdoors)
Thursday: Workout C
Friday: None
Saturday: Run (Spot Pond: ~6K.  5K in ~34:00)

I'm still sticking to my Saturday Morning Runs.  Having people running with you really motivates you to stick to a consistent schedule.  Weights-wize I'm pretty consistent with two sessions per week.  Hoping to be able to hit three sessions once in a while.  I'm trying to bump my weekly runs up so that I'm doing 2 - 3 sessions per week as well.

It appears that distance-wize, I'm ready for a 5K again.  But to be where I would be satisfied by my performance, I need to get my speed back.  I seemed to have fallen into comfort running 10:30 miles, but to beat my last 5K score, that needs to get back down to 9:30.  I'm still hoping to do a 5K in May, then a 10K in the summer.  I'll reassess during the summer and see what else I want to do this year.

With warmer weather approaching, I need to start tackling the 4,000 footers in NH.  I've already decided that I'll have to do some this hiking season, even if it means I'm on my own.  With 40 peaks in NH over 4,000 feet, I have quite a bit to do.  Summiting four peaks a year would take 10 years to do all 40, while something like 10 peaks a year would bring the time frame down to 4 years.  Quite a big difference.  I'll probably do Mt. Monadnock later this month as a warm-up, then start some peaks in May.

I'm pretty excited that the warmer weather is here so I can start tackling some goals of mine.  Can't wait.

Last weigh-in:
174.5 lb