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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Taking a break from updating

If you haven't noticed already, I don't post much to this blog anymore.  I've come to realized that the blog became my own fitness journal, and that's not quite what I had in mind for it.  I still write weekly updates, but since they were mostly for me, I'm keeping them in a fitness journal now.  There are quick a few blogs out there that do a lot better job than what I had intended to do here.  MuscleHack and World Fitness Network immediately come to mind.  I just don't have the time and resources to provide what they do there.  They provide a lot of great information for bodybuilders and fitness-oriented people alike.  I think they are better equipped and more-knowledgeable to help others better than I can.

I'll keep doing what I do in terms of my own fitness goals.  I might even post here and there when I actually have something more useful or interesting to talk about.  So, good luck all in your pursuit of being lean, strong, and fit.