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Friday, April 22, 2011

Better than Ever!

Just a quick update. Work's been pretty busy, and I have not been very active online in terms of any writing. I did manage to eek out a mildly acceptable training regimen for my half-marathon. I was pretty nervous the couple of days before the race, but I ran it as strong as I could and finished in 2:03:32. I wanted under two hours, but long water stops and cramps at the end got the best of me. I averaged around a 9:30 pace.

I remember during training how tough the runs were. Once you start running past an hour per training run, there's nothing fun about workouts. Couple the long time with the treadmill (training was mostly in the winter and we had a rough one in NE), and it was a grind week in and week out. I remember on more than one occasion that I said I would never train for another half. But...but the fact that I ran it so close to two hours makes me think that I could do it next time.

After my race, I changed up my routines again. Now I'm doing somewhat of a split for my weights. Instead of two weight workouts and two runs a week, I'm aiming for three weight workouts and two runs a week. I was aiming for shorter workouts and just being more active during the week. I recently got in a very good week of sleep too and was rewarded with 8:30 miles during my last 4+ mile runs. I hope to get faster so that my future races would be faster.

Lesson from this post? Rest is very important.

Last weight-in:
169.0 lb