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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hives are gone.

Double update here.  First week was a bit rough with me dealing with the remainder of my hives.  Had to be careful how I did my workouts so my sweat wouldn't trigger the histamine.  Here's the breakdown:

Week 1:
Sunday: None
Monday: None
Tuesday: Workout A
Wednesday: Walk
Thursday: Workout B
Friday: None
Saturday: Light hike

Week 2:
Sunday: None
Monday: None
Tuesday: Workout A
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Workout C
Friday: None
Saturday: Run outdoors (2.6 miles)

I've been missing my Sunday workouts due to plans on the weekends.  But my weekends are a bit more open now and I've already made my Sunday workout for this coming week.  So things are looking good.  Had a good run yesterday outdoors with some people.  I hope to do a group run every Saturday morning where it'll just be fun to get together.  In addition to my Saturday runs, I hope to do a couple of runs during the week to work on speed and tempo.  I know plans don't mean anything until I do it, but I hope to be ready for a 5K soon and then a 10K by summer.

My wrist got better during my episode of hives.  Probably due to the corticosteroids I was on, but now that I'm back to lifting hard again, my wrist seems to bother me during certain moves.  Currently, I think it's a combo of an inflammed tendon and tight forearms from gripping heavy dumbbells.  I'm trying to be vigilant with forearms stretches daily, but it's tough.

Not much else to write about.

Last weigh-in:
172.0 lb

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