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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How bad do you want it?

I came across this video from HBO last week.  It's inspirational as heck, and I thought I'd share it.  It shows that if you want something, then go get it.  It's not going to be easy.  It'll be a lot of work.  It'll be hard.  But if you are determined enough.  Persevere enough.  Push enough.  You'll get it.

Same for fitness.  You don't need a special diet.  You don't need a special workout.  You don't have to get fit in 90 days.  You don't have to slim down X amount of pounds in X amount of time.  Fitness isn't something you get on and get off.  It's a life change.  Who cares if it takes you two years versus two months to get your six-pack?  Or if you have to run the marathon next year versus this year (although you can't keep delaying a goal.  That's procrastination.)?  What matters is that you keep working.  Keep striving.  Keep improving.  One rep at a time.  One foot at a time.  One second at a time.  One ounce at time.  You'll get there.

I have pictures of me from 2007 when I thought I'd go on P90X.  Work and life got in the way.  Never did get the body I wanted in 90 days.  It's 2011.  I'm doing my own consistent workouts.  Running pretty consistently.  Eating consistently.  My pictures today are pretty good.  Am I satisfied?  Nope.  I'll still aim for that extra rep each week.  That extra second off my running time.  That extra .01% off my body fat.  That extra foot in my distance runs.  You know why?  Because I want it bad.  And this video reminds me when I forget.

Last weigh-in:

P.S. Don't have the guts to post the pictures yet, but the progress is amazing.  I suggest you take pictures, if not for tracking progress, then for bragging rights if you are already fit.

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