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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Slow week

It was a pretty slow week dealing with an injured wrist and an injured ankle. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Neutral-grip pullups/pushups on fists
Monday: Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Shoulders, Kenpo X
Friday: None
Saturday: None

I took the week off from running as I had said. My ankle was swollen for a couple days after the injury. I supported it by taping it for three days. The compression helped with the swelling, while the support gave me a little comfort. No pain relievers; not really a fan of them. Anyway, I noticed I was still able to move forward and backwards with the foot, so it was really an issue of lateral movement. It's still a bit tender at the injury site, but I'm going to be easing my runs back in.

As for my wrist, my range of motion increased, but excessive twisting causes slight pain. I did modified exercises for my upper body to minimize unnatural twisting of my wrists. Pullups were performed with neutral grips. Pushups were similarly performed on my fists. Then I did a day of Kenpo X give my upper body an overall workout. Nothing really too crazy this week. I fit in stretching when possible.

Nothing else to write about really. It was an uneventful week. We'll see how this week goes.

Last weigh-in:
172.0 lb

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