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Monday, November 2, 2009

Well, isn't this just great?

So, I've been taking it easy while my right wrist heals from the sprain. I'm annoyed, but I have my running. So guess what happens Saturday? I sprained my ankle. Before I get into it, here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: Run - 2.0 miles in 18:26 @ 2% incline (9:15, 9:11)
Tuesday: Ab Ripper X
Wednesday: Run - 5K in 28:22 @ 2% incline (9:14, 9:12, 9:03)
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: Light set of shoulders

It was an okay week in terms of runs. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't run 5K on Monday, especially since I was aiming for four miles. The run on Wednesday was pretty tough. I couldn't hit 4 miles, and I was pretty bummed. But I did some research, and the last time I ran four miles, it was at 0% incline. So I'll just have to slowly build to it.

During the week, I got an email with a link to my official results for my 5K. Turns out I finished faster than I thought, officially at 27:54 with an average 9:00 pace (Official Jumbo Stampede results. Computerized Timing and Scoring By Spitler Race Systems.. Sweet. I placed 98 overall, 46 in my age group of 18 - 29, and 63 in my gender group.

Now onto my ankle sprain. I was chaperoning a trick-or-treating outing. Crazy, huh? Well, throughout the outing, I pretty much walk up to the steps/door, then step aside to give a clear way for the kids to come out. At one house, I guess the path was a bit elevated, but I couldn't tell because the leaves covered it. My left foot slipped off the edge and bent in a pretty bad way. The pain was a bit sharp, but went away after a few minutes. I had sprained my ankles a lot as a kid, and that made it difficult to sprain them after, so I assumed it would be okay. But by morning, I was in pain and my ankle was swollen. It's been taped up for the past two days.

So to summarize, I have a recovering right wrist and a bum left ankle. I'm taking myself off running and lower body exercises. I can now only do ab work and modified upper body exercises. For example, I did neutral-grip pullups and pushups on fists last night. I think I can do shoulder work since it doesn't require my wrist to rotate. This is a tough time for fitness right now. Oy...

Last weigh-in:
172.0 lb

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