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Monday, February 22, 2010

Took a week off

It's another double week update.  I'm having some issues with my wrists/forearms, and see how last week was pretty busy, I wound up making last week a "rest" week.  Here's the breakdown:

Week 1
Sunday: Workout A, abwork
Monday: None
Tuesday: Workout B
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Workout C
Friday: None
Saturday: Run - 1.41 miles outdoors (9:14 pace at 25 degree weather)

Week 2
Sunday: None
Monday: Planks
Tuesday: Walking lunges, shovel, Workout A, triceps pulldowns
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Pushups, planks
Friday: Run outdoors - 1.41 miles (9:07 pace)
Saturday: None

I laid off my full body workout to give my muscles some time to recover, but my main reason was to see if it'll help my wrist a bit.  I noticed that my symptoms are beginning to resemble golfer's elbow.  I know, I don't even golf!  But golfer's elbow is like tennis elbow but on the other side.  The issue mostly stems from grip.  I started researching tendinitis when I noticed my wrist pain sometimes emanates from a tendon near the inside of my elbow.  At one point, the area even felt inflammed.  Another time, I felt similar aches on my left forearm/wrist, which I hadn't sprained.  So, I'm beginning to think that my sprain healed, but now I'm dealing with overtraining/grip/tendon issues. 

I'm not even sure if it is golfer's elbow, but I'm approaching it by "treating" the suspected cause, which I think is a combination of my full-time desk job and gripping heavy dumbbells during my leg workouts.  Besides this recent "off" week, I'm reminding myself to focus on more forearm stretches.  I'm also occasionally massaging the suspected inflammed tendon.  To address the grip issue during leg workouts, I'm either going to have to get lifting straps or switch gyms, since my current gym do not have the proper free weights for legs.  My short-term solution is using the leg press machine in place of squats.  I'm still using relatively medium weights for lunges, so dumbbells can still work there.

I'm heading back to the gym this week, so we'll see how it goes.

Last weigh-in:
175.0 lb

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