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Saturday, July 10, 2010

T.A. 3.1 from MuscleHack coming soon

If you don't read and you're pretty serious about getting bigger, then you should start...soon.  Mark McManus over there writes some very good, detailed articles about...yup..."hacking" your muscles.  He provides a lot of his own research and trial and errors in his approach to getting bigger.  He also has a few programs on his site to achieving that goal efficiently.  So while World Fitness Network is targeted to getting strong and lean, MuscleHack is about mass.  Go check out his latest post teasing his Total Anabolism 3.1 now!

In the current T.A. 3.0 cycle you overload each muscle group in a single set then wait until the peak overcompensation point (P.O.P.), then do it over again. Each successive full-body workout should progress in reps or weight to ensure continuous muscle growth.

In this new cycle we place MORE overload on each muscle. This will stimulate more growth by imparting more muscle damage in each workout; anabolism (building up) is stimulated by catabolism (breaking down) which is a negative feedback control.


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