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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Quick update

This isn't going to be a detailed update, but since I posted a link to MuscleHack in the previous post, I wanted to quickly update where I am now. 

Weight's pretty good.  I've been average 172.5 lb.  What's great is that I've been able to make gains in my strength.  I am now on 40 lb dumbbells for my at-home weight workouts.  I haven't hit the gym for awhile.  Been busy with a new job and the heat makes me less motivated to make the drive.  I haven't been able to hit the heavy weights, since I haven't gone to the gym, but I try to compensate with incline pushups, one-handed pushups, one-legged squats.  Pullups are still the way to go for hitting my lats/back.

Cardio is suffering.  I currently travel a lot for my job, and the long commutes not only saps my energy, but my time.  I'm hoping to start running/biking 2-3 times a week, but it's not looking too good.  My hiking goals have been seriously challenged.  It's July, and I haven't hiked once.  Not good.

Even with my setback in terms of cardio, I feel I'm still doing well on my fitness.  I feel stronger than ever and I have a hunch that my body fat is around 13-14%.  Ideally, I'd like to get that closer to 10-11%, but it'll take more control with my diet and more cardio.  We'll see how it goes.

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