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Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Big Question Mark

So...I haven't trained that much at all this past week.  After my buddy's wedding this past Saturday, I wound up with a sore throat which quickly was accompanied by some small body aches, stuffy sinuses, and a low fever.  I've only started to feel better Thursday, and tried swimming again, but energy level is very low.  I still have an itch which makes me cough now and then.  All this leaves me with a big question mark.

As much as I dread the swimming leg of the triathlon, now I'm left wondering if I can even make it through the bike and run legs as well.  I know I'm not 100% over whatever I had (cold?  small flu?), so I'm not sure how much I have in the tank, so to speak.  I swam Monday just as I was getting sick, and even though my form felt good, my endurance still sucks.  My muscles screamed after one 25M lap too; effects from my illness, of course.  Thursday swim was okay, but after getting out of the pool, I was light-headed and queasy from the effort.  This does not bode well at all.  I question my ability to do the 10M bike and 5K run.

It's already Saturday and the race is tomorrow morning.  I can go through with the prep and see how I feel tomorrow morning, but I just don't know what's going to happen.  It's unfortunate that I got sick the week before.  I put a lot of time into this race, even if my swim portion was ever so frustrating.  In the back of my head, I'm trying to justify quitting by committing to some road races before the year is out.  We'll see what happens.

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