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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lift weights anywhere!

I'm currently in the middle of moving, and it's not leaving me with a lot of time.  Life is pretty busy too, so fitting in workouts while making sure I have time to rest in between is getting tough.  I've been getting somewhat serious with my runs too, so that makes it even harder.  So far this week, I've ran once (5.11 miles in 46:48, about average of 9:08 mile), lifted in lite workouts twice, and swam once.  I had planned on doing a full lift workout and running one more time before this week ends, but here I am sitting at work.  I went out last night too, so I couldn't squeeze in the run I wanted to.  But, it's a slow day and I've found the perfect thing to help!

With my limited action with my full lifting workouts, I've done more pushups and curls than I really wanted.  This is leaving my back feeling pretty ignored and me with okay posture.  While going about my work here, I found an extra 5 gallon Poland Spring bottle--full.  So I'm going to fit in some deadlifts and some rows.  Heck, I might even do some shoulder presses with it!  Workout anywhere, people.

Last weigh-in:
170.0 lb.

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