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Monday, July 20, 2009

Back on glucosamine sulfate for my shoulder

After feeling something in my shoulder every now and then, I decided to get back on glucosamine sulfate. My shoulder doesn't hurt, and my range of motion is fine. But I'm paranoid. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but my strength is still there too. Maybe it's just one of those injuries you don't get back to 100% from. I'll just keep working at it until I get a better feel for it. I'm taking 1,000mg twice a day and reevaluate in a week or two.

Here's my breakdown for last week:

Sunday: Chest/back/abs, calf raises
Monday: None
Tuesday: Shoulders/triceps/biceps
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Pushups/pullups, heavy weights, squats/lunges, pushups/chinups
Friday: None
Saturday: None

Again, not too good with the cardio. But yesterday, I've already ran once so this week is looking good. As for my weights, my emphasis is more on my the heavy days now. I've lost some weight and some fat, but I'm feeling my muscle mass isn't where I want it to be. So I'm going to focus on increasing my workouts on the heavy day. To reiterate from previous postings, my heavy day isn't really that heavy either. My recovery from my shoulder has forced me to take it easy when adding weight back. Right now I'm using 45-lb dumbbells for the "heavy" workouts, which are mainly chest, back, and leg workouts. The heaviest I've gone are my elevated pushups and my full-body pullups. So that's probably about 75-90% of my body weight for the pushups and 170.0 lb for pullups. Not bad, but I'd like to improve with my chest press and squats.

I also changed my Sunday workout to incorporate more of my body weight. So we'll see where these changes will take me. Changes are good anyway, since you don't want your body to get used to any one program for too long. That's when plateaus happen.

I'm pretty comfortable with my weight hovering around 170.0 lb. I know I set a new weight goal of 165.0 lb, but I think I'll focus more on strength gains and body fat loss for now. I'll monitor my weight to ensure I'm not falling too far off track. So, new goals:

-Bench press body weight
-Work up to 15 pullups

Last weigh-in:
170.0 lb

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