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Friday, July 10, 2009

New concentrated blog

I've been writing about my fitness thoughts and experiences for a little big on my personal blog. In fact, I've been blogging for a bit. But I'm noticing that I write a lot about my fitness workouts. So I decided to put them in a "fitness" blog instead to help concentrate things a bit. You can still access all my old fitness posts here.

In case you're new to my fitness postings, I'm like any average American. I was somewhat fit throughout high school. Gained a few pounds in college. Then hit the workforce and just watched my weight go up. As life got stressful, workouts decreased. Then one day I stepped on the scale and saw my weight at 189.0 lb. Standing at 5'9" and having started this involuntary journey at 155.0 lb in high school. I was mortified and disgusted with myself. Then there was the fact that I barely summitted a mountain that I've done easily before. Thus, started my fitness journey.

It's been a slow gradual journey, but I am now at 170.0 lb and leaner, stronger, and fitter than ever! Stay with me while I continue on this lifelong ambition to remain that way.

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