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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lotta moving...

Wound up helping move a lot last week.  Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Workout A; help move (lotta stairs)
Monday: Rest - legs tired
Tuesday: Workout C
Wednesday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 2% incline (started at 9:13 pace, increased 0.1 mph every 0.5 mile), finished with intervals at 7:03 pace (1:00, 1:00, 3:00 @ increasing incline)
Thursday: Rest - wrist aches, sore body
Friday: Move stuff
Saturday: Rest

To try to jumpstart my running, I've been doing intervals at the end of my runs.  It's still pretty tough break the two-mile mark right now.  Lack of consistency and lack of motivation.  The intervals help to break the monotony, while still killing my legs.  With all the moving last week, I had to be a bit attentive to my rest periods to make sure I don't overwork my body.  Had some wrist aches last week from a combination of an intense Workout C and moving.  I'm still pestered by a partially healed right wrist and left ankle.  Really stinks.  Hope that changes soon.

Last weigh-in:
173.5 lb

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