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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Weight is creeping up...

I put in a decent week last week, but I'm noticing that my weight is creeping up. I did have the opportunity to check my body fat at my cousin's gym. 14.2%. It's okay. I knew it went back up, but it's still not good knowing for sure. Here's my breakdown:

Sunday: Workout A
Monday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 9:13 pace
Tuesday: Workout B
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Workout C
Friday: None
Saturday: Run - 1.5 miles @ 9:13 pace, two easy intervals @ 7:03 pace

I did pretty well, considering it was New Year's and my other cousin came up to visit. Usually, it's just eating and drinking, but we managed to hit the gym a couple times. My running is still horrible. I need more motivation to get me to run through my pain; I'm giving up too fast. It's a new year, so I gotta gather my focus and fit in some training if I want to make my goals this year. Oy...

Last weigh-in:
174.0 lb

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