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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Eight Weeks to a Sprint Triathlon

So my cousin surprised me by signing me up for a sprint triathlon.  Now mind you, I haven't ran since early May, and all I've been doing is lift.  On top of that, I just kinda learned how to swim last summer, so I have super anxiety about the swim leg of the race.  To add to all the fun, the race is October 3, giving me about eight weeks to train for this.  This is going to be an interesting eight weeks.

I think it'll be kinda cool to write some posts during these eight weeks and see how I either tackle this race or die trying.  I just found out today, so I tried to calm myself down by doing a resistance workout, followed by a quick run (to Subway for dinner).  The run didn't go so well.  I wound up running at racing pace and lasted 0.8 miles before cramps (probably from lifting) and a side split stopped me, but I made it to Subway.  On a tangent, I wound up only bring an American Express credit card, and the Subway near my place didn't take Amex.  So off I went running home to grab my wallet...and my car.

Since I haven't been hitting the gym for my workouts, I've tweaked my workouts a bit.  Exercises are paired so that I do one, rest, do the other one, rest and repeat two more times before going to the next pair.

Workout AH (Essentially Workout A, but modified to a full-body routine.  Added the "H" to emphasize the at home part):
Pullups/Lateral raises
One-armed pushups/Front raises
Shoulder press/shrugs (No rest before shrugs.  Sometimes followed by one-legged squats or 3-way calf raises, if I'm not running anytime soon.)
Bent over dumbbell row/Biceps curls
Incline pushups on Swiss ball/Hammer curls

Workout CH:
Pullups/One-armed pushups
Australian pullups/Incline pushups on Swiss ball
Rear lat raises/Chest flies
Biceps curls (Preceded with a leg exercise if I'm not running anytime soon)
Hammer curls

I've been consistently doing Workout AH once a week, and supplementing with Workout CH if I have time.  So far, results have been great.  Consistency and sticking to a decent diet has led to increase in strength and muscle mass with a decrease in fat and overall weight.  It definitely shows that hard work and sticking to at least a loose schedule pays off.  If you are close to me at all, I'll let you know that it's Workout AH that occasionally makes me want to puke.  To be fair, it's usually on a hot day and I drank too much water, but it's a tough workout.  I currently use 40-lb dumbbells at 3 sets of 9.  Pullups are 3 sets of 11, one-armed pushups are 3 sets of 5, incline pushups 3 sets of 19.  I aim to finish within an hour. 
Today I did Workout CH, followed by the run to Subway.  I've thrown together a schedule for the next eight weeks to try to get some training in before the race.  I'm going to see how that goes, but I'll probably have to tweak it.  Again, I'm very nervous yet highly motivated to train, so this is going to be interesting.  Stay tuned!

Last weigh-in (a couple of days ago):
170.5 lb


  1. your brave to enter a triathalon don't forgewt to give your cousin a slap.
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  2. I wouldn't say that I was brave, since my cousin signed me up. But I'll remember to slap him after the race.
