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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another okay week

Last week was okay. I was able to fit in all my weight workouts again. Not too good with the running, but I'm breaking in new shoes. Only fit in a run after my heavy workout. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: Chest/back/abs, calf raises
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Shoulders/triceps/biceps
Thursday: None
Friday: Pullups
Saturday: Heavy weights/chinups, run

I went into the gym for my heavy weights workout. I started by warming up with some dumbbell presses, then went at the chest press machine. I was alone and didn't feel like using the smith machine. With the chest press machine, I was able to work my way up to 8 reps of 170lb. Can't say that I would be able to bench press 170lb, but that felt pretty good to do it. Between sets, I was at that lats/row machine working on my back. Afterwards, I did some incline bench presses and finished off with some chinups. Someone was using the chinup/pullup station, so I did them at one of the Smith machines. Afterwards, I hopped on a treadmill for a quick 20-min jog in my new sneaks.

Okay week. Nothing to go out and celebrate about. It was nice to head into the gym for the weights, and I hope to do that again this week.

Last weigh-in:
170.5 lb

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