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Monday, August 24, 2009

Getting old...

Last week wasn't bad. But taking stairs 3-5 times a day every work day was taking a toll on my knees. So I had to stop it for now. I tried to go biking on Sunday after putting on my new tires, but my knees starting complaining. I think I did 1 mile before I decided to head back. Here's the update:

Sunday: Bike
Monday: Chest/back/abs
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Shoulder/triceps/biceps
Friday: None
Saturday: Heavy weights, run

I managed to fit two great runs in. Instead of doing somewhat of an interval running program, which I've done for a while, I just decided to run straight at a lower speed. For both runs last week, I was able to run 25 minutes at 6-ish mph (warm up and cool down not included). Not bad. Hope to slowly increase duration and speed. Knees didn't bother me so much for the runs. I guess stopping the stairs was a good idea. When I start up again, it'll be every other day to minimize stress.

My weights program still seems to be holding up. Last heavy weights workout, I was able to work up to 5 reps of 180.0 lbs. It was at the machine, but whatever. I do notice my lats are not as strong as my chest, so need to focus more on that. I've been hating my endurance weights workout more and more. It's the high reps and the long workout. I know it's good for me, so I keep doing, but it's the least favorite weights workout of the week. It's a love-hate relationship, just like running.

After working out regularly since my shoulder injury, I do notice that my body can't take the stress it used to. It's part of getting older. So as much as it is important to fit workouts in, it's just as important if not more to fit in rest periods. My knees are a great example of overworking, even though I didn't think much about it for weeks. Stairs was just a part of my day, but taken two at a time, they're practically lunges. Now, I try to give at least 48 hours rest after any workout. Really have to listen to the body and watch for warning signs.

Last weigh-in:
169.0 lb

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