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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A boring update

Well, I made my modest goal of running once last week. Nothing special last week. I managed to fit in all my weight workouts. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: Chest/back/abs, calf raises
Tuesday: Run
Wednesday: Shoulders/triceps/biceps
Thursday: None
Friday: Pullups
Saturday: Pushups, heavy weights, pushups/chinups

I guess you could say I've been lazy. Weights-wise, I'm doing pretty well. Slowly increasing reps in my pushups/pullups. Heavy workout, I'm at a good place. I'm at my dumbbells capacity with the weight plates I have, so I have to head into the gym if I want to add more weight. Shoulder hasn't been bothering me much, but I do get some elbow fatigue every now and then. I think I'm really confusing my body with the "endurance" chest workout early in the week coupled with the heavy workout near the end of the week.

I just got some new running shoes. A pair of Saucony Progrid Jazz 12's. Just need to break them in. They seem to fit pretty well and have more cushioning in the forefoot, which is good as I tend to strike with my midfoot to forefoot. I'm pretty excited about them, especially since I haven't had new running shoes in a while. I got some trail runners from Vasque half a year ago, but I'd like to keep those on the trail and for light hiking.

That's it for this update. I know...pretty uneventful.

Last weigh in:
170.0 lb


  1. Damn, you make me feel like a fattie. We're like the same height but I weigh 15lbs more than you???

  2. Dude, as far as I can remember, you always have more muscle mass than me. I can't even bench my own weight yet. Well, at least I've never tried.

  3. Remember that you haven't seen me in a few months. And a big t-shirt is also good at hiding things, haha.
