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Monday, October 26, 2009

Aw lifting for a bit

I had a relatively good week last week, except for the fact that I sprained my wrist! Phooey. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Pullups/pushups, Ab Ribber X
Monday: None
Tuesday: Shoulders/legs/arms
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Run - 2.82 miles in 26:46 (3 min of which were warm-up. 2 laps - 14:34, 12:12. 10:20 min/mi, 9:08 min/mi)
Friday: Chest/Back
Saturday: None

Prior to the sprain, everything seemed to be going along fine. I did all my weight exercises, though the chest/back workout was somewhat tough. Somehow, skipping the workout last week didn't help me at all. Lats were tired early. Chest was strong though. I even did a couple sets at 180 lb. But I think that might have pushed it, because incline dumbbell presses were hard. Last set, I failed at the fourth rep. That may have been the point I sprained my wrist, but it's hard to tell since I didn't feel the pain till around midnight.

I only ran once last week, but I did run outdoors, and I hit close to a 9 minute mile. I keep incorporating my warm up into my first lap and that really messes with my numbers, so I think next time I run my predetermined route, I'll warm up and then start counting my laps from the point I run. That way, I'll have more accurate numbers for the run, especially the first lap. I tried running on Saturday, but again I've been feeling sluggish. I slept in and just didn't have the drive to get up and go. I may be stressed and it's really affecting how my body recovers.

Anyway, with my sprained wrist (my right), I really need to reevaluate my workouts this week. I've sprained my left wrist a couple of years ago and that took a very long time to heal, partly because I was in denial about it. But having gone through that and my recent shoulder injury, I'd like to think I'm smarter about injuries now. Although my wrist only hurts when I rotate it, I'm going to lay off the weights for a week at a time. I'll reevaluate every Sunday and see where I am. What does this mean? It'll mean my main focus will be cardio until my wrist heals. I know, I know. Right away, I thought about the gains I've made in terms of my resistance training. I'm at a place where I'm lifting more than I've ever had. Shoot, I'm doing shoulder exercises with 37.5 lbs when just a couple of years ago, I thought over 25 lb would have been impossible. But I understand that to ensure my longterm health, I need to lay off. I'll probably return with less strength, but I can build it up again.

Since I'll be doing mostly cardio until my wrist heals, I've also decide to dig into my past workouts. I'm going to try to supplement my running with some martial arts-influenced workouts. P90X has a pretty good karate-influenced workout called Kenpo X. I'll aim to do that once a week. The workout is heavily dependent on how much you put in, so I can adjust the intensity as I see fit. My lower body is healthy too, so now would be a good time to hit the gym for some leg workouts. Machines, of course, since I don't want to hold any weights.

That's it for now. Let's hope my wrist heals soon!

Last weigh-in:
172.0 lb

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