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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I gave in...but it's okay?

It's pretty sad, but I had a blah week last week. What happened? I gave in. I gave in to weakness. I gave in to sloth. But I suppose it's for the better. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Pullups/pushups, Ab Ripper X
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Shoulders/legs/arms
Thursday: Run - 4.0 miles in 37:09 (9:24, 9:24, 9:20, 9:01; 5K in 28:56)
Friday: None
Saturday: None

As you can see, I missed a lot of workouts. I only had one run, and I missed my chest/back workout. BUT, I had horrible sleep and it was cold. Okay, the latter was a bad excuse. But I didn't get enough sleep. I felt tired and didn't think it would've helped my body to push it through 5-6 days of workouts. Besides, I had turned it on for a week or so before my 5K, and I broke my expectations that race. My last "break" was end of August, so I made up my mind to take a semi-break. Kind of a let-my-muscles-relax-and-rebuild phase. But I have to get serious again.

The highlight of last week was my one run. My local cousin has been putting up consistently great numbers on her way to rebuilding her cardio, and the competitiveness made me aim for a four mile run. I completed the run, despite my cramp at mile two. Focused breathing ushered the cramp away, but still left whether or not my mental toughness could tough out the extra .9 miles I aimed for. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep or the higher speed I was running at, but mile four was very tough. At times I felt like I needed to throw up. Haha. Very rare. It usually happens when I'm tired or I just ate. My stomach was empty, so I'm thinking it's because I was tired. Either way, I managed to push through, running mile four in 9:01. Pretty sweet.

I don't have any races in the near future, but I do have some goals I'd like to hit before year end. I want to run 5K under 27:00 (less than 9 minute miles). I want to bench 200 (even if it's on the machine). I want to hit 3 sets of 15 pullups (I'm at 13 now). Also, by spring, I'd like to be able to run 10K easily. This would mean future 5K races would be easy. It would also put me on track to join my LI cousin on the Men's Health Urbanathlon next fall. So, I've got some work to do.

Last weigh-in:
171.0 lb
I'm not concerned about my weight at this point. If I can hit all the above goals by year end, then I wouldn't care what weight I would be at. In fact, I'm contemplating going into a brief bulk stage to handle that bench press goal. But that would mean cutting back cardio, and cardio is making me feel good lately. Decisions, decision.

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