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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adding inclines to my indoor runs

I haven't been able to run outdoors lately. I'm too tired in the morning, and I live in a crappy neighborhood, so I don't want to run at night. So I've been running indoors. If you run at all, you would know running on a treadmill is much easier than running outdoors. So I thought I would start adding inclines. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: Pullups/pushups, Ab Ripper X
Tuesday: Run - 5K in 29:34; total 4.25 miles in 40:33 at 1% incline (avg 9:30 min/mile)
Wednesday: Shoulders/legs/arms
Thursday: None
Friday: Chest/Back
Saturday: Run - 5K in 32:02 at 2% incline (9:29, 9:32, 11:50)

So, first run of the week, I did 1% incline. This would make running similar to outdoor running on flat ground. It wasn't a bad run. I even made it a slightly longer run at 4.25 miles. I was quite satisfied with myself. Second run was a different story entirely. I decided to run the full 5K at 2% incline. First mile started off okay, but ended a bit rough. Second mile was a killer. My lower legs were burning from the extra exertion of the incline. I held on as long as I could, but wound up walking for a half mile. Then I finished the remainder of the 5K at 1.5% incline. It was a very disappointing run (Note: I did complete a run at 2% last night, but that's next week's update).

There were a lot of reasons for my failed run. I might have let too much time pass between runs. I might have tired my legs out with my leg workout. I might have increased the incline too much and should've done 1.5% instead. Either way, I didn't run it. I learned a few things from that run. One, I'm skipping my leg workout this week to keep my legs fresh for my 5K. Two, I am weak on hills, so I need to focus on that a bit with either hill training or incline running indoors. Three, I need to run more consistently and not let too much time pass between runs. I only hurt my own progress doing that. I have to work harder at it this week. It's my last week to prepare for the race.

Weights-wise, I'm doing fine. Back seems to be evening out with the chest. The rows at 170lb seem to be getting easier. I'm going to work to three sets of 8 and/or play around with 180lb before moving on to the next plate at 190lb. My chest can already handle 180lb, so it shouldn't be too long before I hit my goal of 200lb. At this point, I wish Planet Fitness has heavy free weights. Best they have are 60 lb dumbbells and Smith machines. Either way, the good thing about doing these heavy workouts is that my pullups are improving. I'm at three sets of 13, so I should hit 15 soon.

Well, that's it. It's all about the 5K this week.

Last weigh-in:
170.0 lb

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