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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Holiday double update

Got caught up over the holiday and didn't have a chance to update. But here's the breakdown:

Week 1:
Sunday: Pullups/pushupsMonday: None
Tuesday: Upright rows, curls
Wednesday: Shoulders, light legs
Thursday: None
Friday: Chest/back, 1 mile cooldown run
Saturday: None

Week 2 (last week):
Sunday: Pushups, ab work, upright rows
Monday: Pullups
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Shoulders, hammer curls, ab work; run - 2.0 miles (9:13 pace)
Thursday: EAT
Friday: Chest/back, upright rows, calf raises; 1.0 mile cooldown
Saturday: None

Really not much to say. I've been pretty lazy on the cardio front and even worse on the eating. I've even fell back into candy! If I were one to place blame, I'd blame it on the cold. "It's too cold to go out to workout...It's so cold, candy will make it better." No excuses, though. Had a pretty rough week in terms of eating due to the holiday, so it's time to make it better. Ironically, the bad eating is actually motivating me to focus on working out again, so let's see how this makes out. I still need to work on reworking my routines as I've mentioned a couple weeks ago, so got some work to do on that front.

Last weigh in:
172.0 - 173.0 lb (I really don't know since I weighed before Thanksgiving week, but not after)

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