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Monday, December 7, 2009

Simple Full-body Routine

I've been somewhat on a split-body routine for a bit now. As much as it's been easy-going, it's not producing the results I'm looking for. As always, I evaluate a lot and upon some thinking, I'm realizing that I'm not hitting my muscle groups often enough. I perform resistance training a few times a week and try to do cardio the same amount, so with split body workouts I'm hitting each group about once a week. Hardly a challenge. So I decided to change it up.

I sat down and wrote down the basic areas I target: chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs. Then under each category, I wrote down the usual exercises I perform for those areas. I like to try to hit the weights three times a week, and my shoulders can be finnicky, so I opted for one shoulder workout with two "full-body" workouts per week. This is what I wound up with:

Workout A
Lateral raises
Front raises
Shoulder press/Shrugs
Calf raises/Upright rows

Workout B
Incline Dumbbell Press/Deadlifts
Dips/Lat Pulldowns

Workout C
Dumbbell Press/Dumbbell Rows
Chest Flies/Rear Lat Raises
Lunges/Upright Rows
Skullcrushers/Biceps Curls

Not a bad setup. With the new routines, my muscles are sore again, which is great news for me. It shows that my muscles were very used to my program before, so I'm very glad I'm shocking them again. Now I'll be hitting my most of my muscle groups twice a week, albeit in slightly different ways. For shoulders, I'm sticking to once a week with shrugs and upright rows getting action twice a week. My shoulders gets injured often, so I'm gonna take it easy on them. I'm going to try to do cardio on the days that fall between workouts.

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