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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What can I say...

Well, apparently, I'm very good and skipping workouts. Here's the breakdown:

Week 1
Sunday: Workout A
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Workout B
Thursday: None
Friday: None
Saturday: Rear lat raises

Week 2
Sunday: Workout A, ab work
Monday: None
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: Workout C
Thursday: None
Friday: Squats, pushups
Saturday: Run - 1.8 miles @ 9:13 pace

Really no excuse for my laziness besides having my wrist bother me again. Well, this cough is still here, so sometimes I just don't feel like heading out to run. Then there's my ankle; the recovery time is really bugging me. I definitely notice the lack of cardio. I haven't changed my caloric intake, so I feel like I've put on some mass. However, I've also put on some fat. So really, I've unintentionally went on a very basic bulk phase. I'm trying to fit the runs back in. I've ran Saturday and yesterday, so hoping to keep the consistency in. I still want to meet my goal of running a 10K in 2010.

Ski season is beginning, and I usually try to prep by adding some hops and other lower body exercises, but this ankle is making my wary of pushing it too much. I've already got two ski events planned, so I hope to be good enough soon. Also, with 2009 winding up, I'm pretty excited to push myself to some new limits in the new year. Can't wait.

Last weigh-in:
173.5 lb

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