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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Even more moving...

So there was even more moving last week.  Pretty crazy.  Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Help move
Monday: Workout A
Tuesday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 2% incline (started at 9:13 pace, increased 0.1 mph every 0.5 mile); finish with intervals @ 2% incline (7:03 pace - 1:15, 1:30, 2:15)
Wednesday: Workout B
Thursday: None
Friday: Ski
Saturday: Help move

With all the moving, it was all I could do just to make sure I rest enough.  Then to top it off, I had my first ski trip of the season.  Drove 3+ hrs to Wildcat Mountain in NH.  Long drive, but the slopes and the $9 lift ticket was worth it.  We didn't ski that long, maybe 4 hours, but I still noticed a difference in my conditioning.  I wasn't tiring that fast and I lasted longer in terms of legs than last season.  So, I'm liking the results of my training.

Lately, I've been tired, so I haven't been able to get more than one full-body workout in.  Usually it's either my shoulders and then Workout B or Workout C during the week.  Then I'm lucky if I get two cardio sessions in.  Last week, I purposely left out leg workouts and one cardio session because of skiing and all the moving (lotta stairs).  I think that helped, but the combination of moving and waking up early for skiing wiped me out for the weekend.  I'm still somewhat trying to rest up.

On another note, I think I need to up my eating.  Last week, I felt weaker than normal.  At my lowest I weighed 172.0, a full 1.5 pounds than last week's weigh-in.  Again, it's coming down to whether I want to add muscle, maintain where I am, or cut some fat.  The problem is that I am trying to increase strength while trying to get back to 5K running form--two conflicting goals.  It's not impossible, just very hard to gain muscle and lost fat at the same time.  The good thing is that I'm not in a rush nor do I really place that much emphasis on how I look.  Performance is my goal.

As for my injuries, my wrist is still VERY slow to heal.  It usually makes some progress over the Friday/Saturday layoff on weights, but by Sunday, it's usually shoulders day and the stress begins anew.  Range of motion is slowly returning and I can perform biceps curls again.  The moving didn't really help, but I just have to keep paying attention to it.  Ankle seems to be doing better.  Sitting in seiza (my favorite quad stretch) isn't as painful anymore.  I'm trying to keep up with stretching everything in general, so things are looking good.

I haven't really been that excited about this winter.  Usually, I'm pretty pysched about skiing, but that's somewhat ho-hum for me at the moment.  I'm more excited about being able to run outdoors again and to start hiking again.  That and biking.  I still haven't really tried out my new hybrid tires.

Anyway, this turned out to be a longer post than expected.  We'll see how this week feels.  I think I'm going to add a mini protein shake to my daily meals and see if that helps with anything.

Last weigh-in:
172.5 lb

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lotta moving...

Wound up helping move a lot last week.  Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Workout A; help move (lotta stairs)
Monday: Rest - legs tired
Tuesday: Workout C
Wednesday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 2% incline (started at 9:13 pace, increased 0.1 mph every 0.5 mile), finished with intervals at 7:03 pace (1:00, 1:00, 3:00 @ increasing incline)
Thursday: Rest - wrist aches, sore body
Friday: Move stuff
Saturday: Rest

To try to jumpstart my running, I've been doing intervals at the end of my runs.  It's still pretty tough break the two-mile mark right now.  Lack of consistency and lack of motivation.  The intervals help to break the monotony, while still killing my legs.  With all the moving last week, I had to be a bit attentive to my rest periods to make sure I don't overwork my body.  Had some wrist aches last week from a combination of an intense Workout C and moving.  I'm still pestered by a partially healed right wrist and left ankle.  Really stinks.  Hope that changes soon.

Last weigh-in:
173.5 lb

Friday, January 15, 2010

First week in 2010

Well, last week was my first full week in the new year, and I've made a change already.  But before I get into it, the breakdown:

Sunday: Workout A
Monday: None
Tuesday: Pushups, rows, ab work, dips
Wednesday: None
Thursday: planks, Workout B
Friday: None
Saturday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 2% incline (9:13 pace); 3x intervals at 7:03 pace (1:00, 1:00, 2:00)

The weight regimen seems to be doing well for me, so no changes there.  But if you look at my one run last week, you'll notice that I am adding some intervals at the end of my longer run to try to boost my progress.  It's been a tough road building back up to 5K at near racing speed; most I've gotten was 2.0 miles.  So far it seems like it's working - my run this week felt easier.  What's for sure is that I am soaked by the end of my running workouts.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm pretty busy this week, so it's been tough to get my workouts in.

Last weigh-in:
173.5 lb

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Weight is creeping up...

I put in a decent week last week, but I'm noticing that my weight is creeping up. I did have the opportunity to check my body fat at my cousin's gym. 14.2%. It's okay. I knew it went back up, but it's still not good knowing for sure. Here's my breakdown:

Sunday: Workout A
Monday: Run - 2.0 miles @ 9:13 pace
Tuesday: Workout B
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Workout C
Friday: None
Saturday: Run - 1.5 miles @ 9:13 pace, two easy intervals @ 7:03 pace

I did pretty well, considering it was New Year's and my other cousin came up to visit. Usually, it's just eating and drinking, but we managed to hit the gym a couple times. My running is still horrible. I need more motivation to get me to run through my pain; I'm giving up too fast. It's a new year, so I gotta gather my focus and fit in some training if I want to make my goals this year. Oy...

Last weigh-in:
174.0 lb