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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ab Ripper X still tough as ever

Again, only one run this week. I guess I can take some consolation in that I improved a bit in time. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: Pullups/pushups, Ab Ripper X
Monday: None
Tuesday: Shoulders/Legs/Arms
Wednesday: Run (5K in 28:40)
Thursday: None
Friday: Chest/Back
Saturday: None

I changed up my ab routine on Sunday. Instead of 3 sets each of four exercises, I decided to do all my pullups and pushups first. Then I started up Tony Horton's Ab Ripper X from his P90X series. I couldn't do the whole workout without stopping. It was tough. Then for the next two days, my hip flexors and abs were pretty sore. It was rough. I'll try to do this at least once a week and see how it goes.

As for running, I've managed to do a bit better with the 5K. I started at around a 9:30 minute mile and finished at an under 9:00 minute pace. It was nice to finish a bit faster, and I would like get the time down to 27:00. I also signed up for a 5K, so that should be motivation for me not to miss my runs. If I run multiple times a week, I could probably break it up so that I'm running a timed run one day and then a longer distance one another day. If I could fit three runs in, I'll make one a speed session. Let's see how it goes.

Last weigh-in:
171.0 lb

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