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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lost focus

Blegh. Had an okay week last week. I barely squeezed in a run at the end of the week. Good thing was that I ran a route that I did before, only this time I was able to run non-stop. Pretty pysched about that. Last week was also the week where I switched to a 6-rep program for my weights. So far it seems pretty good. Anyway, here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: None
Tuesday: Shoulders/Legs/Arms
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Chest/Back
Friday: None
Saturday: Run

I know, the breakdown was soooo mindblowing huh? I had just come back from a long weekend, but the lack of cardio is disappointing. The 4-5 day rest from weights was very well appreciated though. Muscles felt better during last week's workout. I'd like to say I did well with my diet last week, but I didn't. I didn't have time to shop for groceries, so I was out of a lot of food for my snacks and lunch. Big hit was the bread, since I eat at least one PB&J sandwich a day as my mid-afternoon snack (one slice of bread, kinda my natural protein bar). Wound up eating bagels for a couple of days. Was not happy about that.

I'm trying for a better week this week. I'm also hoping to improve on my runs. My 3-mile runs are just under 30 minutes, so that's about a 10 minute mile. Not fast by any means, but I am pleased that I can run 30 minutes straight now. Hoping to improve my speed and endurance. Then, I'll start considering doing some 5K's (~3.1 miles).

As for goals, I'm doing 6-8 reps of 170 - 180lbs at the chest press machine. I know that's not quite the same as doing bench presses, but I think I can safely say I have reached my short-term goal of benching my weight. New short term goals would be to bench 200lbs and get my 5K under 27 minutes. Longer term goal would be to run 10 miles. Men's Health does this Urbanathlon and I'd like to do that next year. This year is too close for me to train for (it's next month).

Last weigh-in:
170.0 lb

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