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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Workout Motivation

I'm sure we've all felt it before. You had a long day at work and just plopped yourself down on your bed. But it's your weight day or a cardio day or an interval day. Whatever, you need to work out. But you just can't seem to get yourself to do it. Would anything even motivate you?

Usually, when I'm in a workout slump, I try to look up some pictures of fit people. That usually gets me pumped pretty fast. It used to be Brad Pitt from Fight Club. Then I used Hugh Jackman from Wolverine for a bit. Then there was Daniel Craig in the Bond movies and Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity. Seeing those guys or reading about their workouts makes me want to...well...workout. Well, today I came across this video. It's Microsoft's live-action ad for their game Halo: ODST. Oh man, I watched that and I instantly want to work out or kick some a$$. I'm thinking this would have the same effect to any guy out there with a pulse. Check it out.

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