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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Running outdoors is harder

Well, I fit in more than one run. That's nice. But I also found out running outdoors is much different than running on a treadmill. Here's the breakdown:

Sunday: None
Monday: None
Tuesday: Shoulders/legs/arms
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Run (2.82 miles in 28:3x)
Friday: Chest/Back
Saturday: Run (2.82 miles in 27:35)

I did pretty well last week. I missed my pullups and pushups; I was in NY celebrating my cousin's birthday. We only had one meal on Saturday, so I didn't gain any weight. I did wind up sleeping in a car, but that's a different story.

One thing I did differently last week was to start running outdoors again in anticipation of my 5K on October 10. Wow...I forgot how different it was. The route I chose had gradual inclines, so that kinda killed me. My pacing was slower than what I had been doing indoors. Then there was the cold air. First run, I actually had to stop. So disappointed in myself. But the second run two days later, I managed to finish without stopping. After these runs, I told myself to run outdoors whenever possible, and if I find myself on a treadmill, then I need to add in the incline to mimic how tough outdoor running can be. I also realized that I probably won't finish under 30 minutes for that 5K. I especially won't be able to get under 27:00.

I'm hoping to fit in three runs this week. I need as much runs as I can get since the race isn't that far away. Hopefully, I can fit in a couple of longer runs and some fast runs. We'll see.

Last weigh-in:
170.0 lb

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