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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8/10/2010 Run

Yesterday was supposed to be a swim day, but the work pool is too small and I didn't have anything lined up.  I got home around 9:45 and decided to go for a run just to fit something in.  The run started out pretty good.  Tried to fly down the hills and pound up the inclines.  Side stitches weren't as much of a problem today, but eventually the uphills on the way back cause my abs to cramp out pretty bad.  I ended at 1.75 miles with an average pace of 9:42.  It was an okay run, but I'm a bit consoled at the increase in mileage.  I'm hoping to be running consistent 5Ks soon and 10K's by the time I race.  Not much else to write about.  I stretched, showered, and went to bed.

Workout CH tonight, maybe an easy run after and hope to hit the pool Thursday.

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