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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crazy week so far

It's been pretty crazy so far.  After skipping my Sunday workout, I was "forced" to do a double workout day on Monday with Workout AH in the morning and a bike/run at night.  I would up doing a 6.3 bike on the stationary bike and a 2.0 mile run on the treadmill.  I was pretty happy that I was able to bump up my running mileage from 1.75 miles. 

The next day I hit the pool again, but with goggles.  The googles helped a lot, but I overthought my stroke and form and wound up panicking a few times.  Longest nonstop swim is just a bit over half the Bally's pool.  Not looking so good there.  Need to relax and stay calm.  I probably should stick with one to two strokes per day to maximize my time there.  I was in the pool for about 25 minutes and worked on backstroke, freestyle, and even some breaststroke.  Too much for a short workout.

Last night, my shoulders felt sore from the stress of having Workout AH and the swim session so close together.  I opted out of Workout CH (I might skip this until the race is over) and just did one-arm pushups and curls.  I followed this with a run outdoors.  I aimed to hit over 2.0 miles, but after hitting 2.25 without much pain, I decided to go for the 5K.  I finished 3.18 miles with the 5K clocking in at 31:02.  I'm a few minutes off my PR, so I have more work to do there as well, but I'm quite happy that I can do a 5K again.  Now if I can get it up to a 10K with the 5K finishing under 28:00, I'll be happy.

Still loads more training to do.  I'm on vacation next week, but hope to keep up with my running and swimming at the hotel.  Oh man.

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