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Monday, August 9, 2010

First bike/run

Part of my new training regimen includes a day of biking followed by running.  Since I've never ran after biking before and that I'm rebuilding my running distance again, I figure I do an easy bike/run today.  It wasn't my best, but it'll do for now.

I started with driving to my mom's home.  That's where I keep my bike since my apartment doesn't really have the best place to store my bike.  And besides, my mom's is close to a good bike route.  But today was different.  Seeing how I need to bike then run, I decided to kill two birds with one stone by biking my cousin's bike back to my apartment, then running back for my car.  Since I knew biking is easier, I tried to take detours when possible to make the ride longer.  But since I was riding a female bike, and it was a comfort bike, I cut it short and ended the ride at 2.34 miles.  Nonetheless, I gave my quads a taste of what it was like to pedal and climb hills again.

I rested for a bit, and ran back to my car.  The running is still a bit difficult.  No leg cramps this time, but some side stitches here and there.  It's been a while since my core was used to the constant pounding of running.  With the sun beating on me, there were a couple times where I thought of putting in the 0.8 miles I did before and call it a day.  But I put my head down and pushed through till I reached my mom's.  I started slow at around 4.5 mph, but ended around pace, pounding through downhills when I could.  I wound up running 1.11 miles at an average of 6.52 mph (9:12 pace).  My max was 8.97 mph (6:40 pace) and was probably from the downhill.

Today's workout isn't one to rave about, but it gave me a good idea of how it would be like to run after a bike.  My next bike/run would probably be 5+ miles followed by a progressively longer run.  I'm hoping to build up to a 5K by September and be able to run 10K by end of September.  There's a lot of work to do, and I still need to figure out a place to practice my swimming.  On top of all this, I need to stay on my lifting regimen.  I did Workout AH yesterday, hope to do swimming or arrange for some swimming tomorrow, and probably do Workout CH Wednesday.  It's still looking to be a long 7-8 weeks till the triathlon.  Oh man.

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