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Saturday, August 14, 2010

8/12/2010 Swim

The past Thursday would've been like every other Thursday except for the fact that I knew I was going to go swimming after work.  After having it in the back of my head all day, I made the drive to Bally's to sign up for a 7-day thing.  Wouldn't you know that they were have a class till 8PM?  So with even more suspense, I drove home to change into street clothes then went back for my first swim since Summer 2009 (which was when I learned how to swim).

I went back with gym bag over my shoulder.  I changed then cursed myself as I discovered my goggles were not with me.  I made my way to the pool and hopped in.  After getting a lane to myself, I did some simple kicking and then some freestyle strokes without the breathing.  Feeling a bit more comfortable, I tried to get myself used to water surrounding me by immersing myself and doing various strokes.  Feeling a bit better, I went for a freestyle with breathing.  Oh man.  Timing was off.  Got some water in.  Long story short, 15-20 minutes later, I got the timing right, but I was tired.  It was my fifth day straight of working out, and my body was getting tired.  I got out and went home.

This first week has been interesting.  I did Workout CH the night before the swim, so I had five straight days of working out.  By yesterday, different parts of my body were sore.  I took yesterday and today off and will be back at it by tomorrow.  I'm buoyed by how fast I remember how to swim, but I got a long way to go to build up to 250M of swimming.  What comforts me is that the backstroke is not hard to do, so that's my backup stroke when I start drinking water in the pool on the day of the race.

I'm going to enjoy my rest for now, but I still got seven weeks to go.

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